Monday, 27 June 2016

Oracle BI Publisher Plug-in not visible

Here is my first blog on BI Publisher.  After working for years in Oracle BIEE of different versions, I got an opportunity to work in BI Publisher 11g now.

To start with I install Oracle BI Publisher 11g Trial Edition (v11. on my 64 bit windows machine – All good.  Then I went on installing the Oracle BI Publisher Desktop for 64 bit Office on Windows, unfortunately, the installation asked to install a 32 bit version of the BI Publisher Desktop.  I suspect it could be due to the version of the Microsoft office tools.

I then downloaded the below desktop version and tried installing - Oracle BI Publisher Desktop for 32 bit Office on Windows.  The installation successfully completed in less than 2 minutes, but I could not see the BI Publisher plug-in on the windows document.  I tried installing different versions of Oracle BI Publisher Desktop, but no luck

I finally find a way !!

All we need to do is to navigate to the below path and run the setup.exe

C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\DotNetInstallFiles  (This path could be different for your installation)

In few seconds you will notice the BI Publisher add-in available on your MS Word or MS Excel office tools.

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